I managed to hit level 90 on my Black Image after leaving it at 61 for the longest time, so I figured that it might me a good idea to start working on the magian staves to replace my old elem staves I've had laying about. One of the first things I noticed was that the first trial overlaps for several staves. While inventory slots are precious right now, I decided to grab a few so the trial staves and headed out to Grauberg (S) to smack down some treants with the frequent wind weather there.
Trial 790
50 while
weather must be present
5 points per kill
Grauberg (S)
This was slow going solo, but it wasn't long before someone else showed up with a lot more to kill than I needed for one staff. Taking advantage of the momentum, I warped back to Jeuno and turned in the trial for the first, then a second, and a third staff. Note: you can't have the same trial on more than one weapon. You have to warp back and accept 790 on the next staff once you've completed one.
Trial 791
50 Spiders
Weather: Heat, Wind, Thunder, or Light
5 points per kill
Kuftal Tunnel
I tried for hours hanging out in the Boyahda Tree for thunder but it was a no go. I'd read about this being the same experience for some on the wiki talk page for this trial and they'd ended up heading to Kuftal to finish. After several levels of staff skill dorking around in the Tree as BLM/BST, I caved and headed for the hills. Finishing this trial was super quick with another duo I ran into there. And just as we finished we ran face to face into Guivre. Yikes! Okay, not so much anymore. I popped manawall, hit manafont for giggles, and went to town. I'd say the poor guy didn't have much of a chance, but I don't feel that bad for him. That day vengeance was mine!
Trial 816
50 Monsters
Weather or Day: Thunder
1, 5, or 6 points per kill
The Boyahda Tree
By the time I rolled around to this trial, the weather npc gave favorable chances for lightning in the Tree, so I headed out to kill spiders and shrooms. It was easy enough, nothing too interesting to report here. I did go as BLM/BST for more staff skill and the kills were super easy, as they should be at this level. The numbers listed above for kills are as follows: 1 for a kill on Lightningsday, 5 for Thunder weather, 6 for both at the same time.
Trial 817
75 Beasts
Weather or Day: Thunder
1, 5, or 6 points per kill
The Boyahda Tree
Again, weather was feeling stormy in the Tree, so that's where I went. Only this time the target was the bunnies, Moss Eaters. Super easy, went /bst for staff skill. Ran out of weather and finished the last 20 or so with day kills, which was a bit slower but did the trick.
Trial 822
150 Vermin
Killing blow >= 50 Thunder damage
1 point per kill
Grauberg (S)
For this trial I headed back to Grauberg to hunt down those pesky chigoes. I ended up getting a group for a little less than half of these and with another BLM in the group we totally smoked them. Thundaga III followed by a Thundaga and that was that. Soloing took some time, but it wasn't too bad since I no longer had to wait for weather and the kills were easy. En-disease did suck when it landed so I just tried to keep refresh up and convert handy from my RDM sub.
That's all I have for now. Next on my list is trial 823, 200 slimes with Thunder killing blow of 150+. Den of Rancor is supposed to be good. I'll update later as I progress.