Sunday, January 31, 2010

Yay!!! CoP 5-3 Ulmia's Path Complete!

The other night I was fortunate enough to find a party to complete the second half of Ulmia's path for Chains of Promanthia mission 5-3. This is great news! I had attempted this months earlier with a party that just couldn't seem to get the damage output needed to take down the snoll. It was seriously painful. But now I am one step closer to getting Sea access so that I can once again pick up where I left BLU. It's been sitting at 71 without much hope of going any further for longer than I care to recall.

I still need to complete the two other paths, and shouting in Whitegate didn't do me any good tonight, but I've got all of the footwork done for both. It's just a matter of finding a party and getting it done. I'm really trying to have a better attitude toward this. I mean, I know it could take a while to get groups together, but I'm really not that far away from getting access to Sea. I'm not really going to try too hard this week since I'll be leaving for a vacation, but when I get back I think I might just have to park myself in Whitegate and sell Retraces until I can get into a group.

I've also been raising another chocobo. He's a cute little sucker and I was lucky enough to get a pairing with cards I bought off of other players that resulted in the little guy already knowing Burrow as soon as he cracked open his shell. That's great news! This means that my little digger chocobo is that much better than if I had to try to teach him the ability from a story. I can't tell what color he'll be yet, but with the changes they've made with the dye I don't suppose it matters much. Though, for the record, his mother was black and his father was red. I chose the option to walk around Jeuno, which resulted in him learning Burrow from his mom. We'll just have to see what happens, though I imagine he is likely to turn out black -- I've read that is the more dominant of the two genes.

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