Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Final Fantasy XIV Predictions

Well, I posted my FFXIV predictions to Triond the other day. I, like many, am eagerly awaiting the announcement of closed beta invites in hopes that I may be one of the select few that get to preview the game in its pre-release state.

Take a minute to check out my article to see what might be in store with the latest Final Fantasy MMO. Of course, I could end up being way off, and I do have a few more notions that I would like to put out there, but I would love to have a few more people chime in on the things I've thrown out there. Do you disagree with some of my predictions? Great, leave a comment and let me know what you think. It's all subjective at this point, but at least we can have some fun guessing about how the game will turn out while we wait.

What's Triond? Triond is an online article publication site that pays you for articles you submit. You get paid based on the number of people that visit your articles and you get a share of the ad revenue based on certain factors. From what I've found, the articles I've written with content relating to online games have done quite well. If you like to play Final Fantasy, why not get paid to write about it? If you want to know more about how the whole thing works, let me know and I'll write up a blog post to help you get started.


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