Thursday, March 11, 2010

FFXI and the Level Cap Increase

How do you feel about the announcement of the impending level cap increases for Final Fantasy XI? By the end of this year the max level will have raised from 75 through several increments to 99. Of course, many players will have left the game by that point if Final Fantasy XIV, the new FF MMO, releases on time. I suppose when you put it into that perspective, it will only be the die-hard XI fans that will remain. Well, I suppose those who simply have no desire to move on to the next MMO will also remain.

Will the mass exodus call for more server consolidations? I imagine that some might say, "Big deal, let them go, who cares if SE consolidates the servers? At least there will be less people sitting in town whining about lack of invites or that no one will help them." Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about this. It just brings up some interesting concerns.

For example, if only the truest of die-hard XI fans remain and they consolidate servers as they are doing this month, then players will again face an undesirable side affect that will undoubtedly come as an unpleasant surprise after the March 2010 update. The thing with having a character on a long standing MMO is that you get used to them, you develop a connection to this online persona that you have been attached to for so long. So imagine waking up one morning, driving to work, and then as you walk into the building you're given a message that indicates that you can no longer be Bob or Bill or Sam or whatever it is that you call yourself. It turns out that Accounting just merged with Outside Sales for who knows why and there already happens to be a Bob or Bill or Sam, or what have you, in their block of cubicles. Darn the luck, you now have to come up with a new name, a handle to which people will refer when desiring to communicate in your direction.

I know, to some it won't be an issue. It's just a name and your friendlist should still function just as it used to. If you're one of those guys whose account has been jacked up for who knows how long, well let's face it, you're screwed. But there are those minor annoyances. Like making sure you send mail to the right person. Wouldn't it be awful to send all your gear to the wrong Mrshineypants mule? Next thing you know some galka with a fetish for meat dishes is parading around town in YOUR underwear. Imagine the embarrassment.

The real point I'm trying to make here is that there will undoubtedly be a lot of changes in store for FFXI in the coming months and not all of them will be gameplay alone. Another thing to consider is that the folks at SE do seem to have a plan for taking FFXI into 2011 and perhaps even years longer than that. This should be great news to those fans who see the game as their long time home for gaming entertainment.

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